
"The Four Elements" International Festival-Competition

Ethnica, Theatre, Novations, Choreography

Фестиваль "Четыре элемента"

“The Four Elements” Festival has been held since 2002 in Moscow. Three winter festivals of the Russian culture were held in the city of Avignon, France.

 Starting from April 2016 we hold regional rounds for participation in the programme of the All-Russian Theatre Competition and the International Choreographic Competition.

The abbreviation of “The Four Elements” International Festival is IFFE.

The constitutor of the Festival is
the “Soglaciye” Centre of Traditional Culture 

of the XXI International Festival “The Four Elements”:

1. Choreographic Compositions and Miniatures Competition

March 20 - 21, 2016,    Moscow Luna Theatre  (Malaya Ordynka 31)

Tickets available at the theatre box office as of March 1, 2016.
Tel: +7(495) 953-1317
open daily 12.30-15.00 and 16.00-19.30.

March 20, 2016. Moscow Luna Theatre, Small Stage

 14.30 – 16.00

Rehearsals of the Competition for children, compositions and miniatures:
- pop dance compositions
- compositions based on ethnic (retro) music

 16.30 - 18.00

Competition for children, compositions and miniatures
- pop dance compositions and miniatures
- compositions and miniatures based on ethnic (retro) music

 18.00 – 20.00

Rehearsals of the Competition for young people, compositions and miniatures:
 - pop dance compositions
 - compositions based on ethnic (retro) music

 20.30 – 22.30

Competition for young people, compositions and miniatures 
 - modern dance compositions and miniatures
 - compositions and miniatures based on ethnic (retro) music


March 21, 2016. Moscow Luna Theatre, Big Stage

 11.15 – 12.45 Rehearsals of the Competition for children, compositions and miniatures:
 - modern dance compositions and miniatures

 13.00 – 14.30

Competition for children, compositions and miniatures
- modern dance compositions and miniatures 

 16.30 – 18.00

 Круглый стол для руководителей коллективов

 19.00 - 21.00  Гала-концерт фестиваля
Награждение лауреатов и дипломантов конкурса композиций и миниатюр

2. Theatre Competition. Moscow Regional Rounds

April 9, 2016. Moscow Luna Theatre, Small Stage

 12.00 – 14.00 «Оскар и розовая дама» (по пьесе Э.Э. Шмитта). Театральная студия "Маленькая Луна". Открытие театрального фестиваля (Внеконкурсный показ)
 15.30 – 22.30 Конкурсные показы спектаклей

April 10, 2016. Moscow Luna Theatre, Small Stage

 10.00 – 19.00 Конкурсные показы спектаклей 
 20.00 – 21.30 «Вылетала галка». Музыкально-этнографический спектакль. 
Внеконкурсный показ. Студенты кафедры этномузыкологии Воронежской государственной академии искусств (ВГАИ)
 20.00 – 21.30 Круглый стол для руководителей коллективов
 22.00 Награждение лауреатов театрального конкурса


nal Culture.


Copyright © 2006-2016

"Soglaciye" Centre of Traditional Culture

Web design - www.pisoft.ru


+7 (495) 222-04-05
"Soglaciye" Centre of Traditional Culture
Moscow, Russia
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